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“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” –Benjamin Franklin Ketamine successfully has helped relieve pain, depression, anxiety, pain, PTSD, RSD, OCD, CRPS, and alcoholism. Many of these conditions affect your quality of sleep. The vicious cycle of lack of sleep coupled with whatever condition you’re battling can prove… Continue reading about Sleep

Why Am I Depressed?


Now that the holidays are over, it can trigger a sense of dissatisfaction and even sadness or depression. January is a time of year when reality settles back in and bills from holiday spending start rolling in. Extra pounds from holiday feasting can arise on your body. All of this can be stressful and trigger… Continue reading about Why Am I Depressed?

A Fearful Halloween


So much about Halloween revolved around the feelings of fear. Houses, stores and people are decorated to invoke fear and scare all those who pass by. Thankfully, this is a short season and all is well and returned to “normal” after October 31. After Halloween passes if you still suffer from constant fears then you… Continue reading about A Fearful Halloween

Nasal Spray

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Ketamine Healing Clinic of Los Angeles utilizes Ketamine treatment to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, chronic pain and alcoholism. Our methods offer you with alternative forms of treatments. We offer ketamine intranasal spray as a supplementary therapy to our IV Ketamine infusion treatment. Nasal spray may also be used for maintaining freedom from your… Continue reading about Nasal Spray

A Perfectionist And OCD


Have you taken the Enneagram personality test yet? It seems like, although it’s been around for a long time, it has emerged as another way to identify different personality types. Type One, The Perfectionist, is the first type described on the scale. You can read a lot more about this, and the eight other personality… Continue reading about A Perfectionist And OCD

Depression And Suicide


“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” –Abraham Lincoln With the recent cases of celebrity suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it’s made our nation stop and take a look at the cause of it. According to the CDC nearly 45,000 Americans died by suicide in 2016.… Continue reading about Depression And Suicide

The Journey To Alcoholism


Have you ever been on a trip and you thought you knew where you were going, but ended in a place that you never intended? It’s frustrating and makes you retrace your steps to discover where you made the wrong turn that led you on the wrong track. The journey to alcoholism can be similar… Continue reading about The Journey To Alcoholism

Could You Have PTSD?


Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was once thought to only affect people in the military due to their shocking, terrifying and dangerous encounters during war. While this is still a very common and understood disorder for people in the military, it is also common for anyone who has suffered from a trauma in life. The… Continue reading about Could You Have PTSD?

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West LA

1762 Westwood Blvd #320
Los Angeles CA 90024

Monday through Friday: 9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm (select Saturdays)
Sunday: Closed

Orange County

1640 Newport Blvd., Suite 320
Costa Mesa CA 92627

Monday through Friday: 10-6pm
Saturday: 9-4pm (Select Saturdays)
Sunday: Closed