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Is Ketamine Safe?

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Anytime people hear of a new way to treat an illness, the first question they should ask is, “is it safe?” It is the perfect question to ask because you never want to make any condition worse while trying to heal it or make it better. Dr. David Mahjoubi, MD, is supportive of everyone who… Continue reading about Is Ketamine Safe?

Are You A Candidate For Ketamine?

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Ketamine infusions are an effective alternative therapy used to help those who suffer from Major Depression, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, CRPS, and many other conditions. Perhaps you are like many people across the United States who have battled Depression or Anxiety or other mental or emotional conditions without finding relief from standard therapies and treatments. Conventional… Continue reading about Are You A Candidate For Ketamine?

Ketamine Infusions for OCD


Obsessive-compulsive disorder, colloquially referred to as OCD, is defined as a chronic disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions), behaviors (compulsions), or both. Most people affected by OCD suffer from unwanted and intrusive thoughts that are long-lasting and cause them to repeatedly perform ritualistic behaviors to try and ease anxiety. OCD can… Continue reading about Ketamine Infusions for OCD

What Is Depression?


People from all walks of life experience bouts of sadness in their lives. Unwanted life events happen to everyone on the planet: loss of a loved one, illness, money troubles, relationship issues, job stress. While all people will deal with life occurrences that are upsetting and even heart-wrenching, some people will experience sadness that they… Continue reading about What Is Depression?

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West LA

1762 Westwood Blvd #320
Los Angeles CA 90024

Monday through Friday: 9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm (select Saturdays)
Sunday: Closed

Orange County

1640 Newport Blvd., Suite 320
Costa Mesa CA 92627

Monday through Friday: 10-6pm
Saturday: 9-4pm (Select Saturdays)
Sunday: Closed