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Ketamine Infusion IV Treatments For Your CRPS

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a type of crippling pain. It usually affects your arm or a leg and usually develops after you’ve been injured, had surgery or suffered from a stroke or heart attack. If treatment for your CRPS starts early it is more likely to be effective.

What Is RSD?


RSD stands for Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy. McGill Pain Index has ranked it as the most painful form of chronic pain. If you have RSD, there are some common symptoms. According to the New York State Department of Health, “the key symptom is, chronic, intense pain that is out of proportion to the severity of the… Continue reading about What Is RSD?

Can Ketamine Heal Chronic Pain?


For people struggling with unresolved pain, such as back, head, joint, neck, muscle, or fibromyalgia, experiencing the poor results, risks, and side effects of standard medications can make a person feel hopeless. Ketamine therapy is a revolutionary alternative to the traditional standard of care when it comes to pain management. Without the consequences or side… Continue reading about Can Ketamine Heal Chronic Pain?

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